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How can you help?

There are two ways you can help protect natural environments at outfitters:  

  1. Book a stay at one of the participating outfitters 

  2. Make a donation directly at our online store. It’s quick and easy! 


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Examples of what we can continue to achieve with your involvement

Restoration of brook trout habitat

The team worked on over 200 metres of watercourse to restore the Lac Marc stream at Pourvoirie Mekoos. This area is vital to brook trout reproduction. Biological and technical monitoring will be carried out for two years to confirm the presence of spawners. Similar work has also been carried out at Pourvoirie Beauregard in a lacustrine (lake) environment to expand the potential breeding habitat available to the species. 

Protection and management of thousands of hectares of forest

Did you know that there is no specific protection afforded to outfitters for their natural environments? Outfitters must be constantly on the lookout to prevent the industrial sector from overexploiting their natural resources. The fund supports outfitters in their role as ‘protectors of the land’ by signing agreements with the government, various forestry and mining companies, and other resource users. By using tools such as integrated and sustainable development plans, we can ensure the protection and conservation of the territory. 

Implementation of a sustainable vision for the road system

Timber harvesting led to the building of over 450,000 km of roads, many of which are now abandoned. An estimated 540,000 bridges and culverts are blocking our waterways. Outfitters frequently take it upon themselves to remove old culverts, reforest abandoned roads, prevent the creation of harmful new roads and replace old infrastructures. This work, aimed at protecting aquatic environments, preserving fish habitats and preventing the deterioration of fishing quality, entails major costs. Rather than reacting and repairing, outfitters would like to be proactive, encouraging other stakeholders to adopt a sustainable vision of the road system, thereby contributing to the protection of aquatic environments.  

Preservation of native brook trout

Knowledge acquisition projects are underway at La Pourvoirie du Lac Lareau and Club Notawissi to maintain native trout populations by closely monitoring bioindicators in the lakes. This enables us to react quickly to preserve the essential quality of habitats and control competing species. 



Contribute to the Fund for the Protection of Outfitters’ Natural Environments by booking a stay at one of our participating outfitters today!

Check out the participating outfitters